To start off, let us state that this is in no form a direct treatment method, but instead, consider infrared saunas as an added precautionary measure to boost your resilience towards all kinds of infections: bacterial, fungal, and viral.
In addition to that, you can take your mind off things and allow yourself to enter a state of relaxation in the calming wood interior of our saunas. It’s a great way to spend time and disconnect for a moment.
The heat treatment from our infrared saunas is not just a healthy endeavor, but it can be shared as a bonding experience with family.
Let’s dig a little deeper into some of what we know about COVID-19.
According to Johns Hopkins Medical, “COVID-19, the disease caused by the new coronavirus, can cause lung complications such as pneumonia and, in the most severe cases, acute respiratory distress syndrome, or ARDS. Sepsis, another possible complication of COVID-19, can also cause lasting harm to the lungs and other organs.”
It is a known fact that our lungs act as the workhorse of our body and tirelessly supply us with energy in the form of O2 or Oxygen. Our health could be compromised if this organ is affected in any way, and this is why it’s serious business when it comes to caring for your respiratory system.
Similarities in symptoms between COVID-19 and a common cold were recently highlighted by health.com where they stated that “colds and flu are technically present year-round in the US" and their busy season begins ramping up in October and tends to peak between December and February, sometimes lasting until May, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. But this year, in addition to being worried about influenza and other respiratory viruses, people are especially worried about COVID-19—the symptoms of which, unfortunately, look very similar to those that accompany colds and flu.”
However, what we are currently dealing with is a new or novel coronavirus, “meaning that it mutated in some way and became more deadly,” explains Jeremy Brown, MD, director of the Office of Emergency Care Research at the National Institutes of Health.
With COVID-19 continuing to spread just like the common cold, this is an ideal time to give yourself that extra boost in your body’s line of defense and help avoid any long-term complications.
We believe in educating and sharing our mission of wellness - in our first blog, we highlighted the various benefits of sauna use and heat therapy ranging across both physical and psychological benefits. We also highlighted research that linked benefits directly to the Respiratory System - “regular sauna therapy indicated improved respiration in asthma and bronchitis patients. General respiratory function also showed improvement and having a ‘sauna session' twice weekly for six months reduced the incidence of the common cold by 50%.”
We believe in the old adage that ‘Prevention is Better than Cure’ and this could not be more relevant than at a time like this.
Accompanied by a vast range of therapeutic benefits, sauna use can help boost your immune system. Our engineered heaters treat your body by penetrating infrared light up to 2 inches into the body – this has an impact on deeper tissue such as your tendons and muscles, as well as your skin and joints. The heat therapy helps your muscles relax, provides pain relief, increases blood circulation, and causes a feel-good factor. This biological response triggered by the release of endorphins, the happy hormone, causes an all-body-and-mind relaxation experience like no other. Studies have also shown that regular infrared heat therapy may create a stacking effect, making it an ideal long-term solution. Come experience our infrared saunas for yourself.
Leah Groth Updated September 22, & Groth, L. (n.d.). These are the Key Similarities & Differences Between Coronavirus and the Common Cold. Retrieved from https://www.health.com/condition/infectious-diseases/coronavirus/coronavirus-symptoms-vs-cold
G. (n.d.). What Coronavirus Does to the Lungs. Retrieved from https://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/health/conditions-and-diseases/coronavirus/what-coronavirus-does-to-the-lungs
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